Why I partnered with Beachbody

Have you ever felt discouraged or depressed about how you look, or uncomfortable in your skin. Looking at pictures of yourself or looking in the mirror and not liking what you see. Taking pictures and always covering your mid section and always wearing big loose sweaters?

I’ve been there and I tried everything, well, maybe not everything, but a lot of things. I tried low carb diets, no carb diets, joined the gym, joined weight loss programs, tried diet soups, tried 7 day quick fixes lol and nothing really worked.

Then to make things worst, 5 years ago, the doctors discovered a tumor behind my right eye. To make a long story short, after my radiation treatments were over and I weaned myself off all of the multiple meds they had me on, I was left bloated and broken. I literally felt broken, every bone and joints in my body ached.

If you’ve ever been faced with a serious health scare you know that it really wakes you up. Gives you a new appreciation for this gift called life. Now that I was getting better, I was desperate to lose weight and get healthy. But how?

That’s when this amazing company came into my life. I was introduced to these 30 minute workouts that work every muscle group of your body designed by super trainers, a nutritious shake that is filling and helps curb cravings and gives me all of the nutrients my body needs to function properly and a meal plan that I could live with and that actually worked. Hello, where have you been all my life?

When the weight started dropping and I started feeling better, stronger and have more energy, I became a huge fan and wanted to tell everyone. Then I was told that I could become a coach, a health influencer and share these amazing programs and products with others and get paid for it. Does life get any better? I get to continue working on my health and fitness, help others do the same thing AND get paid? Yes please, sign me up.

That’s my story, that’s why I signed up and partnered with this great company and want to invite you to join me as well. Together, we can help and change so many lives.