3 Day Quick Fix

Fast and easy cleanse

I’ve done a lot of work on my mindset lately. 
I used to think that my weight loss journey was just that a journey and I didn’t have to rush it, there were no dead lines and so even though I’m in the best shape I’ve been in all of my life, I’m still not at my goal weight. 

So I got to thinking about why that is. It’s not because our programs, tools and products don’t work, it’s because I haven’t set a dead line for it. Not that there’s a rush, but wouldn’t it be nicer to be on maintenance mode instead of weight loss mode all the time?
Plus, I think setting a date for a goal is a great motivator to achieving it.

So, I go to our annual coach summit soon. We leave July 9th, that is almost one month from now. I would like to lose 18 lbs to finally be at my ideal weight. That is 4.5lbs a week.

Now I need a game plan. 

Game plan
I will do a 3 day cleanse starting next Monday and then do our carb cycling program (from the ultimate portion fix pnogram) including exercise for 3 weeks. That should bring me to my goal if not very close. Anyone else want to join me.?

Maybe you want to drop a few pounds for an upcoming wedding. Maybe you want to make a splash at the beach this summer. Or maybe you need a reboot to recover from a party or BBQ where you may have overindulged in the chips and dip. That’s where the 3 Day Quick Fix comes in.

It’s not something you want to do for any longer than three days, but if done occasionally, it’s a great way to lose a little weight, fast! Use the 3 Day Quick Fix as needed’.

What you will get for FREE.

-You will get the meal plan

-grocery list and all necessary details.

All you have to do is fill out the form.

Results from previous members
3 day Fix, cleanse and detox