I do have a confession to make…

When I first heard about 2B Mindset, I was very skeptical.

Here’s why. After just completing 80 Day Obsession, I didn’t know if I’d be able to embrace a new Beachbody program that solely focusses on nutrition – ZERO exercise required. I love my daily workouts, well, love is a strong word, but I do enjoy the results. I really need them!

But then I heard what the creator of the program had to say.

Her Story

Meet Ilana, Dietitian & Creator of 2B Mindset

Ilana is the REAL DEAL. She understands the struggle of emotional eating, she knows what it takes to overcome it. To lose the weight. To build a new type of relationship with food. That’s because she went through it.

She struggled with emotional eating since she was a child. And she lost 100lbs (and kept it off) by completely transforming her mindset.

You need to see her story.

Seriously, WATCH IT!

So, What is 2B Mindset All About?

2B Mindset is Beachbody’s first nutrition-based program. But it’s not a “diet.”

It’s about changing your relationship with food and changing your mindset. If you check out Ilana’s Instagram, you’ll get a pretty good feel for what I mean!

You can still have BIG portions of food.
You’ll still be able to eat everything you love.
There’s nothing you “can’t” have.
And you’ll still lose weight!

Everything I know about nutrition, and the only thing that has really worked for me, has been using the Portion Fix containers. They’ve taught me so much. But I’m excited to step outside of my comfort zone with 2B Mindset and utilize all the expertise that Ilana has put into this!

Listen to this

How do I know if it’s right for me?

Honestly, without doubts, I can say that 2B Mindset is for EVERYONE.

If you want a healthy relationship with food.
If you struggle with cravings.
If you’re an emotional eater.
If you want to lose weight.
If you can’t exercise.
If you’ve tried dieting and failed.
If you’re working out and still not losing weight.

If you can relate to ANY of the above (and, come on, we can ALL relate to the first one), then 2B Mindset is right for you.

Let’s get down to some great questions about the program…

Let’s talk about the intangibles. Sure, you’ll get some getting starting booklets, progress tracker, water bottle, and a few other things when you sign up.

I absolutely love the water bottle and use it all the time and the recipes are easy and tasty

But let’s talk about the BENEFITS, the the things that “diets” can’t provide.

Strategies for real situations (restaurants, parties, etc.)
Advice to overcome common weight loss challenges
You’ll learn nutrition basics from a REAL dietitian
Discover plenty of new, delicious recipes
You’ll get simple grocery shopping lists
There will be time-saving tips for meal prepping
Along with so much more!

Are there any 2B Mindset workouts?


Nope! There is absolutely no working out required.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t or can’t work out, it just means that working out is a bonus! If you DO want to work out while using 2B Mindset, talk to me and we can figure out the best fitness program for you.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t or can’t work out, it just means that working out is a bonus! If you DO want to work out while using 2B Mindset, talk to me and we can figure out the best fitness program for you.

How many days does 2B Mindset last?

It’s time to get things straight — there’s NO time-limit for this program.

Unlike 21 Day Fix or 80 Day Obsession, there’s no end date. That’s because it’s a lifestyle change, not a diet or a fitness program.

There may come a time when you feel like you don’t need the videos from Ilana for advice, or you can stop using the tracker sheet provided, but that mindset doesn’t end. It’s something that you will continue on with in your day-to-day life, not because you HAVE to — because you WANT to!

So how is it different from dieting?

The main focus of the program IS NOT on the food itself, it’s on your mind. Most diets aren’t sustainable. They deprive you, they make you say “no” which makes you crave those foods even more!

You’ll never feel like you’re starving
You won’t be counting calories
There’s no such thing as “cheating”
You’re encouraged to say YES to food

Now we’re talking my language — yes to food!

What’s the difference between this and the Portion Fix containers

Well, first, there are no containers.

I know. Ever since 21 Day Fix launched, the majority of our programs have been based around the Portion Fix containers. And they work great, but some us don’t want to use them for the rest of our lives, so this is another tool, effective tool.

21 Day Fix vs. 2B Mindset Meal Plan
21DF: External controls (containers)
2BM: Internal controls (mindset)
21DF: Highly structured meal plan
2BM: Flexible eating
21DF: Portion-control eating rules
2BM: Plate-visualization
21DF: Calorie/macro based
2BM: Nutritional & behavioral guidelines

What results can I expect to see?

Amazing results

Ready for a New Relationship with Food?

Fill out the form below and I’ll help you get started, add you to a group with others using the program, and help you along your journey!

Please give us your best email address so that we can connect. We promise not to spam you.