Barre Blend Program Breakdown:

  • Trainer: Elise Joan
  • Intensity: Beginner/Intermediate
  • Program Length: 60 days, 40+ unique workouts
  • Commitment Time: 30–40 minutes, 5 days/week
  • Equipment Needed: light weights, resistance loops
  • Best For: sculpting, toning, & flexibility
  • Release Date: January 3rd, 2020 (offers available Dec 16)

What is Barre Blend All About?

You’ve probably heard of barre before, you might even have taken a class! But if you haven’t heard of barre before, it’s a fitness class that combines elements of ballet, yoga, and pilates — a low-impact, high-intensity total-body workout! 

But in Beachbody’s barre program, Elise also blends in cardio interval training to kick it up a notch, get the heart rate up, and burn even more calories!

And before you knock this program off your must-try list. Let me clear a couple of things up:

And before you knock this program off your must-try list. Let me clear a couple of things up:

“Do I need ballet experience to be good at this?”

Nope. No ballet, dance, or barre skills needed what so ever!

“Will I need to invest in a ballet bar to do the workouts?”

NO! Even though they show them in the preview, all you really need is a sturdy chair, a couch, a table or counter — just something that you can lean on & help keep your balance with.

Your Barre Blend Questions Answered

What will the Barre Blend workouts be like?

These workouts are low-impact without any complex choreography! Each day will feel like a total-body workout, but there will be a special focus on a different target area of the body each day of the week. Plus, each workout includes cardio intervals for more fat-burning.

You can expect to see:

  • Small-range movements
  • Longer isometric holds
  • High rep-count moves
  • Compound exercises
  • Plus, cardio intervals

The workouts are only 30–40 minutes 5 days/week. Under an hour and only 5 days? YESSS!

There are 5 different types of workouts each week:
  • Classic Full-Body Blend: Designed to tone, chisel, and define your whole body.
  • Booty Blend: This workout has a major target on defining and growing the booty!
  • Cardio Blend: High-energy total-body class that will get your heart pumping and burn calories fast.
  • Core Blend: Slim, strengthen, tone your core, and sculpt those abs.
  • Lean Legs Blend: Targets your glutes, hamstrings, and thighs — your legs will be trembling after this one!
And you can add these 10-minute enhancements to any workout:
nd you can add these 10-minute enhancements to any workout:
  • Enhance The Core
  • Enhance Your Cardio
  • Enhance The Upper Body
  • Enhance The Lower Body
  • Enhance The Booty
Plus, on rest days you can choose from 3 recovery options:
  • 10-Minute Yoga Blend
  • 15-Minute Yoga Blend
  • Roll & Replenish

And like most of Beachbody’s program, every day is new, unique, and continually progressing — you’ll never be repeating the same exact workout twice. Well, until you fall in love with the program and decide to go for round 2!

What equipment do you need for Barre Blend?

Like I mentioned above, you do NOT need a ballet barre, but you will need:

  • A light set of weights (1–5lbs)
  • Resistance loops

That’s all the required equipment you need! And, trust me — the weights you’ll want close to 1-3 lbs for most moves!

You can also choose to use a yoga mat for certain workouts, and since this is a barefoot type of workout, a pair of Beachbody barre socks might be a smart decision, but totally optional.

What fitness level is this program designed for?

Barre Blend is designed for all fitness levels and all ages. It’s going to be a great beginner-level workout, but will definitely also challenge those of us that have been working out regularly for years! 

You can choose to follow along 3 versions of each workout depending on your fitness level:

  1. Modifier
  2. Mid-Level
  3. Intensifier

Start off following the mid-level workout, if that’s too challenging, drop your weights and try the modifier! Feel like the mid-level is too easy? Grab some heavier weight and pop on those resistance loops!

What’s the Barre Blend meal plan?

This seems to be the new norm for most of Beachbody’s programs lately… you’ve got 3 nutrition options to choose from:

1. The Beachbody Guide to Nutrition

1. The Beachbody Guide to Nutrition

This nutrition guide comes free with your Barre Blend program which is filled with easy-to-follow guidelines to eat right for your body & goals, tips, and recipes to help you eat healthier! 

2. The Ultimate Portion Fix

Need more structure to stay on track? The Ultimate Portion Fix’s color-coded containers and instructional videos will help you and the WHOLE FAMILY learn to eat better while breaking sugar addiction and cravings! This one is MY personal favorite!

Learn more about the Ultimate portion fix here

3. 2B Mindset

2B Mindset is all about diving deeper into your relationship with food. This ultra-flexible meal plan is designed to help tackle emotional eating issues, help you feel less guilty about what you eat, and learn to fuel your body while still enjoying those little treats occasionally. To see what 2B mindset is all about click here

What else will you get with Barre Blend?!

Along with the 40 program workouts, you get a whole lot more!

Bonus Workouts:
  • Prep Workouts: Two 20 minute workouts (Classic Full-Body Blend & Cardio Blend) to help introduce you to the program.
  • 10-Minute Enhancement Workouts: Add these 5 short workouts to the end of any day for some extra work targeting specific areas of the body (like core, upper body, booty!)
  • Recovery Workouts: There are 3 10–15 minute long workouts to help recover and improve flexibility after your workout or on rest days.
Extra Tools:
  • “I AM” Daily Motivation Cards: If you’ve done yoga before, you’re probably heard the instructor start the class off with a mantra or affirmation for the day. This is similar! Choose a card each day and receive a powerful affirmation to set the tone for your day and keep you motivated!
  • Barre Basics Videos: These 4 intro videos will teach you the basics so you’re ready to hop in on Day 1!
  • Beachbody Guide to Nutrition: Meal planning guide to fuel your body and lose weight!

What results can you expect from Barre Blend?

Take a peek at some of these amazing Barre Blend Test Group before & afters!

Now for your burning question: When will you be able to try this amazing program?!

Barre Blend early access is available NOW!

AND, you can try a FREE SAMPLE WORKOUT now!

Please fill out this form if you are interested in participating in my upcoming accountability group! I’ll get back to ASAP with more info and to help you get set up. To order right away and save your spot for my next start date, skip the form and just click on the link and I will send you the link to our group.