If you follow me on social media at all https://www.facebook.com/rosemarie.wright.940 https://www.instagram.com/roziwright

you know that I have been dealing with a new fun season in my life. This season is known as peri menopause. With this comes all kinds of new experiences. Aside from not dealing with aunt flow lately, these experiences are far from pleasant. To make a long story short and not bore you with all the sweaty (pun intended) details, I’ve been watching in horror the scale go up and up. This is not great for health reasons and for me emotionaly. You see, I have worked very hard in the last few years to get and stay fit. Anyway, I was starting to lose hope until this week. I am finally seeing the scale go the right direction. What made the difference? This.

I joined a 30 day challenge with one of my upline coaches and I am already seeing a drop in my weight. Having a group of ladies doing this with me has kept me motivated and accountable. Now, I know not everyone is willing to go this extreme and you don’t have to. I decided that I needed this for me right now because I was stuck and needed to go the extra mile. If you would like to do something similar but toned down a bit, check out this graphic. This fit club is only for 21 days and you decide what guidelines work for you.

If you would like to join our next group, please fill out the form bellow for more information.